Sign into your account. Find the order in My Orders, click the “Return Item” button. Select the item(s) you would like to return, indicate the reasons, and submit. Select the mailing method: self-sending, dropping off at our retail location, or pickup service.
Our customer support team will contact you as soon as possible. We will confirm the parcel immediately after we receive the return, and update the status of the return and refund within 7 working days. The refund will be credited to your account for future use.
Items returned must be in their unused condition with the original packing. We do not accept returned items that show wear and tear, are damaged, washed, or altered in any way. We also do not accept items that were sent back without prior communication with us. Returns should be made at the customer’s own expense, or delivered to any of our retail locations.
Returns will be processed within 7 days upon receipt of your package. The refund will be credited to your account for future use.
If you have any questions or concerns about returns, feel free to contact us at